We no longer listen to & highlight small talk and news that is no longer related to the times, where the transition of the era will soon occur. We, the small group remaining in this community, are starting to develop a pragmatic view of ourselves, our hopes are only focused on how we can prepare ourselves & survive amidst the tests, threats & disasters that will hit and hinder our lives in the future in this era of the end of time. therefore we are aware of our shortcomings and helplessness, we really need the strength of faith in God to be able to build a moral & mental shield in our lives. also to immediately improve early, and prepare expertise and other skills as well as various survivalist equipment, in order to face the worst conditions during the fall down era of the Nation states in any countries , and where there is a lot of chaos and riots, as well as bloodshed and war throughout the world. and when money is no longer valuable and prices. and modern technology has completely disappeared, with many disasters occurring everywhere, severe droughts, major pandemics and shortages and extreme weather conditions. Globalism’s delusions in this era are spread by people who do not believe in the prophetic news about the end times, where the rulers seem to continue to instill doctrines about the dream of the continuation of the modern era, even though it is just a trick to deceive us in the world, so that we can easily be enslaved by beasts. their Anti Christ/Dajjal’s satanic system. It is like a mirage and an empty dream full of illusions, which the real that wheel of our life is currently being dragged towards the abyss of a bottomless valley of destruction. we are being enslaved to heresy and destruction!!

kami tidak lagi mendengarkan & menyoroti obrolan receh dan berita2 yang tidak lagi related terhadap zaman, dimana peralihan era akan segera terjadi. kami kelompok kecil yang tersisa di komunitas ini mulai menghidupkan pandangan pragmatis pada diri kami, harapan kami hanya tertumpu untuk bagaimana dapat mempersiapkan diri & bertahan hidup ditengah ujian,ancaman & malapetaka yang akan menerpa dan merintangi hidup kami kedepannya di era akhir zaman ini. oleh karenanya kami sadar akan kekurangan dan ketidak berdayaan kami, kami sangat membutuhkan kekuatan keimanan terhadap Tuhan untuk dapat membangun perisai moral & mental dalam hidup kami. juga untuk segera berbenah dini, dan mempersiapkan keahlian dan keterampilan lainnya serta berbagai peralatan survivalist, guna menghadapi kondisi terburuk di saat era kejatuhan negeri ,dan dimana banyak terjadi kekacauan dan huru-hara, serta pertumpahan darah dan peperangan di seluruh dunia. dan disaat uang tidak lagi bernilai dan berharga. dan teknologi modern lenyap sepenuhnya, dengan banyak pula terjadi bencana di mana2, kekeringan yang parah, pandemic besar dan kelangkaan serta iklim cuaca yang extreme. delusi Globalism di era ini yang di hembuskan orang2 yang tiada beriman akan berita nubuwah tentang akhir zaman, dimana para penguasa seolah2 terus menanamkan doktrin akan impian keberlangsungan era modern, padahal itu hanyalah tipuan untuk memperdayakan kita pada dunia, hingga kita dapat mudah di perbudak oleh beast satanic system Dajjal mereka. itu ibarat fatamorgana dan impian kosong yang penuh ilusi, yang mana sebenarnya roda kehidupan kita saat ini tengah diseret kepada jurang lembah kehancuran yang tak memiliki dasar. kita tengah di perbudak menuju kesesatan dan kehancuran!!