the flag of the Global Civil Society community will be flying again!! meaning that the revolutionary movement of resistance from world civil society will simultaneously be massively intensified!! to destroy the oppression & enslavement of the Globalists & the Cabals as well as their entire evil system & agenda, and their accomplices in all countries. we destroy all their power and Influence!!
it’s like a mission in the movie 12 monkeys, the people’s movement underground. to fight against the tyranny and enslavement of the demon slave legions. and the transition from the era of nation states/modern to the pre post apocalypse era
bendera komunitas Global Civil Society akan kembali dikibarkan!! artinya gerakan revolusi perlawanan dari masyakat sipil Dunia akan serentak secara massive di gencarkan!! untuk menghancurkan penindasan & perbudakkan para Globalist & para Cabals dan juga seluruh sistem & agenda jahat mereka,dan kaki tangan mereka disemua negara. kita hancurkan seluruh kekuasaan dan Pengaruh mereka!!
ini seperti misi di film 12 monkey , gerakan rakyat dibawah tanah. untuk melawan tirani dan perbudakkan dari para legiun budak iblis. dan peralihan era nation states/modern ke era pra post apocalypse

I want our Global civil society community to print this picture, by annotating it with writing. "we use this to pay for your plandemic agenda & your vaccines, your NWO & Dollar Agenda, your Taxes & corruption, your authoritarian behavior, every right & welfare you usurp. we are burning your Dollars with this!! throwing the abyss of all bitcoins & agendas your crypto currency into the sea with this.close and seal the world bank,wall street,The Fed,UN Building(U.N) and WeF with this.we throw into hell all the gold bullion created and stored in your bank.we will face & fight as well destroy your Great Reset agenda!!, we will take full access to health and welfare that you took away with this. we will overthrow the puppet leaders with this!! we will overthrow the system of secular, capitalist, communist, democratic, social, moderate, fascist and liberal. and destroy your beast satanic system with our movement!!, we will vote/abstain at every election post in all countries. we will return God’s Law to its place. we will reject and no longer trust all your officials & representatives in every country!!, we will destroy the Globalists and Cabals & all their minions, including the tyrannical, authoritarian and treacherous rulers, and disobedient from God’s law, and also their cronies who lots of evil plots and corruption, also wasting state treasury/people’s money. and blunting mountains of debt. We will disband all parties and their candidates, and eliminate the party system throughout the country!! We will fight against you!! Destroy the Entire Evil Agenda & slavery system!! we believers will unite to destroy you!! and take over our homeland, which has been taken over by rotten and greedy people like you!! we will fight the police & military executioners whom you bribed & doctrines to block & crush our struggle!! We are not afraid at all in this end times to fight and eradicate injustice, manipulation, misguidance, your evil plots, and systematic crimes and damage that you have done!! we will destroy israel jew zionist and destroy their tyranny to its roots !!. we will defeat & destroy you O rebels of God!! be afraid of the punishment and painful doom that will soon befall you in the last days!! there is no helper for you at the end of this age !! even Dajjal / antichrist though. from curse & Wrath of Allah/God!! we’ll be decorating street walls in all corners of cities across the nation!! with the satirical picture and inscription above, and embedding the sentence, "The balance of justice on the Truth, God has spread out. And the time has come, the day of retribution and judgment for the hypocrites and those who disobey God’s law in this end-time era!!!
saya ingin masyarakat Global civil society kita memprint gambar ini, dengan membubuhi tulisan. “kami menggunakan ini untuk membayar agenda plandemic & vaksin kalian,Agenda NWO & Dollar kalian, Pajak & korupsi kalian, tingkah otoriter kalian, setiap hak & kesejahteraan yang kalian rampas.kami membakar Uang Dolar kalian dengan ini!! membuang kejurang semua bitcoin & agenda crypto currency kalian ke laut dengan ini. menutup dan menyegel bank dunia,wall street, The Fed, Gedung PBB(U.N) dan WeF dengan ini. kami melempar keneraka semua emas batangan yang dibuat dan disimpan di bank kalian. kami akan menghadapi & melawan serta menghancurkan agenda Great Reset kalian!!, kami akan mengambil penuh akses kesehatan dan kesejahteraan yang kalian rampas dengan ini. kami akan menggulingkan para pemimpin boneka dengan ini!! kami akan meruntuhkan sistem sekuler,kapitalis,komunis,demokrasi,social,moderate,fasis dan liberal. dan menghancurkan beast satanic system kalian dengan gerakan kami!!, kami akan unvote/golput di tiap pos pemilihan umum disemua negara. kami akan mengembalikan Hukum Tuhan pada tempatnya. kami akan menolak dan tidak lagi mempercayai semua petinggi & perwakilan kalian di tiap negara!!, kami akan menghancurkan para Globalist dan Cabals & seluruh kaki tangannya,termasuk para penguasa2 zalim,otoriter dan khianat, dan membangkang dari hukum Tuhan, dan juga kroni2 nya yang banyak melakukan makar jahat dan korupsi, juga menghambur2kan kas negara/uang rakyat. dan menumpulkan hutang menggunung.kami akan membubarkan seluruh partai dan calon besutan mereka,dan menghilangan sistem partai di seluruh negara!! Kami Akan perang melawan kalian!! Menghancur Seluruh Agenda jahat & sistem perbudakkan!! kami orang beriman akan bersatu menghancurkan kalian!! dan mengambil alih tanah air kami jembali ,yang telah dirampas oleh orang2 busuk dan serakah seperti kalian!! kami akan melawan para algojo polisi & militer yang kalian suap & dotrin untuk menghadang & menumpas perjuangan kami!! kami tidak gentar sedikit pun di akhirzaman ini untuk melawan dan menumpas kezaliman,manipulasi,kesesatan,makar jahat kalian, dan kejahatan secara systematis serta kerusakan yang di perbuat kalian!! kami akan menghancurkan zionist yahudi israel dan membinasakan kezaliman mereka sampai ke akar2 nya!!. kami akan mengalahkan & membinasakan kalian wahai pembangkang Tuhan!! takut lah kalian terhadap hukuman dan azab pedih yang segera menimpa ialian di akhirzaman ini!! tiada penolong kalian di akhir zaman ini!! bahkan Dajjal/antichrist sekalipun. dari laknat & Murka Allah /Tuhan!! kita akan menghiasi dinding jalan disemua penjuru kota di seluruh negara!! dengn gambar dan tulisan satire diatas ini, dan menyematkan kalimat, ” Neraca keadilan di atas Kebenaran , Telah Tuhan hamparkan. dan saatnya telah tiba, hari pembalasan dan penghakiman bagi orang2 munafik dan para pembangkang hukum Tuhan di era akhir zaman ini!!!

next week inflation and global recession will hit the whole world. there will be a huge devaluation & economic crisis, prepare yourselves!! to Face the Great Reset Agenda!! demonstrations & protests must be carried out to overthrow the authorities who want to implement a secular democratic system, and reject the upholding of God’s law. and the entire party system in the constitutional law must be abolished. and we must dissolve all parties!! because they are all the culprits of corruption and devastation in this country!! it’s time to return to the Law and commandments of God. and make it a source of law that must be obeyed in a government. and all people must submit to it.